Månadsarkiv: oktober 2014

My first game.

Hello everybody! I dusted of my old game maker skills and this is the result of about 25 hours of work.

This is not a finished product at all and its more about showing a space shooting concept, in the future I might add more levels and polish and remove some buggs. This might not be happening since I will be learning C++ in my studies and I will probably look back at this game with disgrace.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!

Big Thanks to

Danielle Uneus for all of the enemy sprites.
Gabriel Eji Ajuwa for some help with the coding
Also a big thanks to 3kliksphilip for having his music avalibe for public use. http://www.3kliksphilip.com/
Download link for the game http://www.filedropper.com/spaceshooteringamemaker

Arrows to move, X to shoot!

Screenshot of the game

Screenshot of the game