Månadsarkiv: november 2014

The third week of game programming

This week we have started studying object oriented programming. We started with classes. Classes are a way to group together different methods to create independent objects that work together to make beautiful things happen.

This week was not quite as hard as the former week. That however doesn’t mean it was even close to easy. I spent a lot of time on the different assignments we were handed and I finally completed most of the second week and I have now slowly started with week 3. It’s quite hard but I am picking up all of the information quite rapidly I feel like.

This week has been very straightforward and I don’t feel like there is a lot to comment about!
See you next week!


The second week of programming, also known as hell.

So going on into the second week I felt very confident, I had picked up all of the required material and I had a good grasp of everything we had gone through during the lectures. I felt like that week was maybe a 5/10 on a difficulty scale, doable but hard.

Now that the second week is done I can confrim that we have now started going with a speed very close to the one of light. This week we went through this:

Functions – a function that does something, for example an addition function would add togheter 3 nubmers of the users input

Arrays and multidimensional arrays – these boys store more than one variable.

Strings – This is just text.

Pointers and refrences – how to accses forgotten variables and how to forget ones that exsists.

This week has been very hard because of all of the information we have gotten and all of the very hard assingments we had to do. As someone who has never programmed before this was very challenging, my peers also seemed to have trouble with some of the assingments.


During the lectures we also made pong. I probably understod about 15% of everything we went through. This was a real jump in knowledge and I can not in my mind understand how someone would be able to do this in 2 weeks. We have had 2 days to learn how to make inputs, collision checking, drawing boxes.

This week was incredibly hard but I feel like im still hanging on. I feel like I could handle a bit of a quicker phase but I would not enjoy it.

First week of programming

So the first week of the programming course has gone by. This week we have gone though the very basics of c++.

I went into the course with little to zero knowledge of programming at all. At first it was very intimidating but after putting some work into the different assignments we got handed out I now feel very capable of writing simple code.

I think now I can make a simple calculator.

Here are some screenshots of the code for the assignments. I feel like during the different tasks I learned a lot and it was really fun to code actually. oving2 ovning 24 ovning4 ovning20

In these pictures you can see how much I learned during this week, the first task was very simple and the last one was more advanced.